Call 817-462-0505 or email info@keep30360moving.org
The project widened the 5.4-mile section of SH 360 of mainlanes from three lanes to four lanes by adding an additional north and southbound mainlane, widened the SH 360 bridges at Park Row Drive and Mayfield Road, fully rebuilt the SH 360 bridge over Abram Street and rebuilt the exit and entrance ramps at Abram Street.
The limits of the project were on SH 360 from Abram Street to Kingswood Boulevard/Green Oaks Boulevard.
The project was awarded for $53 million.
The project reached substantial completion in April 2021.
Construction began in June 2018.
The project was constructed by Fluor Heavy Civil, LLC.
Lane closure locations, timing, and duration are very specific to the work to be performed. There will be coordination with major events in the Arlington Entertainment District to prevent impacting traffic to and from those events.